We’re all dealing with a lot of uncertainty right now. But there are things we can all do to look after our mental health and wellbeing during this time.
The British Barbers’ Association are proud to be supporting Better Health - Every Mind Matters.
Get started with a free NHS-approved Mind Plan, available on the website. By answering five quick questions you’ll get a personalised action plan with practical tips to help you deal with stress and anxiety, boost your mood, sleep better and feel more in control.
Some tips for dealing with uncertainty include:
• Take stock of how you feel: Put time aside to examine your current situation and consider how you really feel, perhaps talking it through with someone you trust
• Focus on the short term: The further we look into the future, the easier it is to get overwhelmed by long-term uncertainty. Instead, try to focus on the day-to-day, and think about what's in your power to do right now
• Acknowledge what's working: Even when it might feel like everything is up in the air or going wrong, there will be some things, however small, that do not change. It could be a close relationship, our favourite meal or a song that means something to us
• Reframe your thoughts: In difficult times like this, it can be easy to get caught up in negative thoughts, feelings and actions. For most people, at this time, feeling uneasy is an understandable response to the uncertainty present in everyday life. It can be helpful to step back, examine the evidence for your thoughts and explore other ways of looking at the situation
• Find a new rhythm: Routine and structure can be a powerful way to regain consistency and reduce uncertainty. Make time to de-stress and wind down each day – build in positive activities like exercise, relaxation, hobbies, speaking to friends or spending time with those close to you, and think about a positive sleep routine
Click to get your free NHS Every Mind Matters action plan
and start feeling better on the inside.
If you have any questions for the BBA team, contact us at admin@britishbarbers.com