Well here we are again, the start of another year, what has 2016 got
in store for us all???
Christmas at the salon has been a pretty manic and very busy time,
probably beating previous busy months for takings and turnover, I
suppose I could call it happy days for all involved, we’ve all received
some great Christmas gifts from our loved ones, as some of you are
aware I got a new camera, it’s now time to learn what it does and get
snapping, if you’re at any of the shows planned for this year you may
see me firstly on stage for Hairbond and the BBA, and secondly
behind my lens, trying to capture a few great images. I’ve always
been intrigued by photography and wanting to take it further, having
worked with my great school friend Neal Reed on previous shoots
and collections, it is now time to pick his brains on the makeup of
photography, broaden my knowledge and investigate what works
and what doesn’t.
As you all will agree we are on a crest of wave, at the moment with
Barbering, however there are always going to plenty of negative
influences around us. Only recently the ugly side raised its poor little
head again, through one of the many groups, on one of the various
social media sites, why do we not try and stand together and back
each other, help raise the standards, believe in each and every one
of us, NO, there are some out there who just will never agree with
what is trying to be achieved by the few, who truly have the good of
the industry in the hearts. I know that we all choose the group who
sends out the message which suits them best, however ‘The Barber
Council’ is in place for all of these to be listened to, it’s formed with a
complete cross section of the industry, taking on everyone’s
opinions, organising opportunities for everyone to voice their views
and listen to what, who and why ‘The Barber Council’ have been put
together. Often you hear who is the Barber Council? Why not do a
little investigation work, instead of airing your opinions through a
post on a social media group, come along to one of the planned
shows, talk to one of the members, get registered and believe that
state registration is the way forward for all of us.
So looking ahead now, this year looks very exciting again, plenty of
Barbering shows, Wahl putting on Wahl Street at Pro-Hair
Manchester, Barberuk growing stronger, Barber Connect on for two
days and Salon international again, whatever one you choose to go
to make sure you say hello, have a chat and get inspired by the
demos and seminars on offer.
Happy barbering guys and gals, and until next time, adios amigos.